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Bemposta Unesco


Dia Internacional contra a Violência e o Bullyng

04-11-2021 07:49

A celebração do Dia Internacional contra a Violência e o Bullyng , incluindo o Cyberbullying, no próximo dia 4 de novembro terá como tema Tackling Cyberbullying and Other Forms of Online Violence Involving Children and Young People”. 

This new International Day was declared and unanimously approved by all 193 Member States at UNESCO’s 40th General Conference in 2019. This year we will mark the International Day on Thursday 4 November under the theme “Tackling Cyberbullying and Other Forms of Online Violence Involving Children and Young People”.

As countries are responding to COVID-19 at varying stages, the lives and education of children and young people across the world have increasingly moved online. While online access presents opportunities for connection and learning, it is also increasingly putting children and young people at risk of online violence.


Evidence shows that in various regions cyberbullying has been on the rise during the pandemic. In Europe, 44% of children who were cyberbullied before COVID-19 report it increased during lockdowns.


While online violence does not only happen on school premises, around schools and on the way to and from school, formal education can and should play a key role in providing children and young people with the knowledge and skills to identify online violence and protect themselves from its different forms, whether perpetrated by peers or by adults.

We encourage you to spread awareness about this important issue and create or support local events and initiatives that will be taking place to mark the Day. To facilitate this, we will make resources available in multiple languages on the dedicated website