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Bemposta Unesco


Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável

17-05-2021 18:38

“Road Map 2021” para a implementação do novo quadro global "Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável: Rumo à consecução dos ODS"

Conferência Internacional de Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável”, terá lugar, de forma virtual, em Berlim, entre 17 e 19 de maio de 2021.

Para mais informações:


Exemplo de projeto:

Dear Sandwatchers,

While it has been some time since we were last in touch, we wanted to let you know we are still working to keep the Sandwatch program alive and well. Much of that work has been continuing behind the scenes. The global pandemic has truly reached all corners of the globe, and we hope that you are fairing well wherever your location may be.


Please keep sending us updates on your Sandwatch activities, we will continue to post them to our Latest News section and the appropriate country page of our website and on our various social media forums, Twitter and Facebook.


As you may know, UNESCO has recently launched their "ESD for 2030" roadmap which details the next decade of education for sustainable development. The Sandwatch Foundation looks forward supporting our countries and partners in this new decade.


Best regards,

Gillian, Paul, Dave & Michelle



Sandwatch International Database


With the end of the Adobe Flash Player program in December 2020, the Sandwatch International Database is temporarily down. We are currently working to re-configure access and storage for the database, stay tuned for more updates throughout 2021.



Sandwatch expands in Mauritius


Amidst the constraints of 2020, Mauritius was able to continue Sandwatch implementation at three schools. Click here to read more about the activities in Mauritius.



COP26 Date Announced


The UK will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 1 – 12 November 2021. The COP26 summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.