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Bemposta Unesco


Workshop on Education for Sustainable Development and Lifestyles

10-03-2021 09:37

Online workshop #6
Education for Sustainable Development and Lifestyles:
Re-designing Consumption and Production



SAVE THE DATE: 10 March 2021, 14:00 pm GMT+1 (Paris time)


Climate change, shrinking forests, declining biodiversity and world food shortages are all results of the fact that we are demanding more from nature than it can supply. 
To build a more sustainable world, attitudes and behaviours must change at different levels: individual, community, national, regional and global.  In this perspective, education is particularly relevant for achieving responsible sustainable consumption and production.

But concretely, how can Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) help accelerate transformation towards more sustainable economies and societies? Discussions will focus on the following questions:

  • What is the role of education, in particular Education for Sustainable Development, to promote alternative lifestyles/livelihoods in response to consumerism?
  • How can ESD promote reflection on new lifestyles that combine well-being, quality of life, responsible production and respect for nature and other people?